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Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Consensual Relationships

Policy Number:

Romantic or sexual relationships between students or postgraduates (as defined by this policy) and faculty members, staff members, or others in positions of authority over them are prohibited whenever those relationships have the potential to interfere with an individual’s right or ability to…

Prohibited Bias, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual and Related Misconduct

Policy Number:

Cornell University is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning, living, and working environment for its students, faculty, and staff and does not discriminate on the basis of protected status, including sex, in the education programs and activities it operates. Admission…

University Volunteers

Policy Number:

Cornell University depends upon university volunteer support to accomplish its missions of education, research, and public service and wishes to ensure that volunteers' relationships with the university are clearly established and understood by both parties. 

Filling Vacancies (Excluding Bargaining Unit Staff)

Policy Number:

University Policy 6.6.1 Filling Vacancies (Excluding Bargaining Staff) has been removed for editing on 2/3/25.

Reference Checks, Information Verification, and Background Checks

Policy Number:

Cornell University requires units to conduct thorough reference checks and detailed information verification on all applicants (external and internal) to whom an offer of employment is to be made.

Flexibility in the Workplace

Policy Number:

Policy IntroductionCornell University provides flexible work arrangements, at the discretion of department heads or their designee, to enable staff and management to effectively serve customers, meet university goals, and help employees balance personal and professional responsibilities.To Whom…

Time Off and Leaves

Policy Number:

Policy IntroductionCornell University, including Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and Cornell Tech (collectively the “university”), acknowledges the vital role that time away from work plays in promoting employee wellbeing, restoration, and overall effectiveness. A comprehensive array of leave options…

Performance Dialogue

Policy Number:

The university requires all regular, full- and part-time, nonacademic staff members and their supervisors to participate in the performance dialogue process, which promotes and documents communication between supervisors and staff members throughout the year.

Staff Transfer (Excluding Academic and Bargaining Unit Staff)

Policy Number:

Cornell University supports an environment that values the pursuit of career mobility and encourages staff members who express an interest, and have the abilities, to pursue appropriate vacancies to foster their career development. Toward that end, the university supports a staff members efforts to…

Employee Discipline (Excluding Academic and Bargaining Unit Staff)

Policy Number:

Cornell University may use disciplinary actions to assist supervisors and staff members in resolving unsatisfactory job performance, misconduct, or behavior that violates university policies, procedures, or practices. Disciplinary procedures will be administered consistently, and in a manner that…

Separations, Voluntary and Involuntary (Including Layoff)

Policy Number:

University Policy 6.12, Staff Transfer, Voluntary and Involuntary (Including Layoff) has been removed for editing on 2/13/25.

Disability Accommodation Process for Faculty and Staff

Policy Number:

For employee requests for a disability/medical exemption from COVID-19 vaccination requirement, the Procedures for Faculty and Staff to Request a Disability/Medical and/or Religious Exemption from the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement supersede University Policy 6.13 and are located on the Working…

Religious Accommodation

Policy Number:

For employee requests for a religious exemption from COVID-19 vaccination requirement, the Procedures for Faculty and Staff to Request a Disability/Medical and/or Religious Exemption from the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement supersede University Policy 6.13.8 and are located on the Working During…

Avoiding Nepotism

Policy Number:
