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Interim Anti-Doxxing Policy

Policy Number:

Cornell University’s Core Values binds us as a community with shared rights and responsibilities. In support of the aim of vitality in teaching and learning that leads to a passion for ideas and a commitment to seeking truth, Cornell community members should respect others’ rights to keep their…

Interim Expressive Activity Policy

Policy Number:

Interim Expressive Activity Policy Revised March 11, 2024 I.              General PrinciplesFree and open inquiry and expression is one of the university’s core values.  As recognized by the Cornell Policy Statement on…

Formulation and Issuance of University Policies

Policy Number:

Cornell University formally approves, issues, and maintains in a consistent format, official university policies in a central policy library.  Individuals engaged in developing and maintaining university policies must follow the requirements outlined in this document for drafting, approving,…

Transaction Authority and Payment Approval

Policy Number:

Cornell’s Board of Trustees, “the Board,” formally delegates authority to designated individuals to enter into agreements with external parties that obligate the university. This is referred to as “transaction authority.” An individual must not assume transaction authority unless that authority is…

Sales Activities on Campus

Policy Number:

For the convenience of its community, Cornell University allows limited sales to be conducted on its campus in ways that are consistent with the university’s mission, take account of off-campus businesses, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. Note: Units established to provide…

Access to Cornell Alumni Affairs and Development Information

Policy Number:

Cornell University respects the privacy of alumni affairs and development information and limits access to that information to authorized individuals.

Access to Student Information

Policy Number:

It is the policy of Cornell University to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. §1232g ("FERPA").

Standards of Ethical Conduct

Policy Number:

Cornell University expects all executive officers, trustees, faculty, staff, student employees, and others, when acting on behalf of the university, to maintain the highest standard of ethical conduct.

Retention of University Records

Policy Number:

Cornell University requires that university records, as defined herein,regardless of format, be disposed of or retained for specific periods of time in accordance with legal or other institutional requirements, or for historical value. The university has designated official repositories to manage…

Alcohol and Other Drugs (for Students, Staff, Faculty, and Visitors)

Policy Number:

Cornell University will assist members of the university community in understanding the risks associated with consuming alcohol, and the need to prevent the harm that results from its misuse and abuse. The university permits the purchase and use of alcoholic beverages under certain conditions, but…

Legal Defense and Indemnification

Policy Number:

Cornell University provides legal defense and indemnification to eligible individuals with respect to claims that arise from activity within the scope of university employment and/or in the performance of authorized duties. To qualify, an individual must also request such defense and/or…

Use of Cornell's Name, Logos, Trademarks, and Insignias

Policy Number:

Cornell University allows the use of its name, and its logos, trademarks, insignias, and other indicia (hereafter known as “marks”) only with permission, as set forth in the principles and procedures of this policy.

Forming a University-Related Subsidiary or Affiliate or Acquiring a Controlling Interest in a Separate Entity

Policy Number:

Cornell University will form a university-related subsidiary or affiliate, or acquire a controlling interest in a separate entity, only if there is compelling legal and/or business justification. Note: On occasion, the Office of University Investments or the Office of Trusts, Estates, and Gift…

Data Stewardship and Custodianship

Policy Number:

The university expects all stewards and custodians of its administrative data to manage, access, and utilize this data in a manner that is consistent with the university's need for security and confidentiality. Cornell University administrative functional areas must develop and maintain clear…

Acceptance of Legal Papers

Policy Number:

Cornell University faculty members, staff members, and students who are contacted by any individual attempting to serve university-related legal papers should direct an individual attempting to serve such a notice to the Office of General Counsel.

Conflicts of Interest and Commitment (Excluding Financial Conflict of Interest Related to Research)

Policy Number:

All members of the Cornell University community are expected to conduct the affairs of the university in a manner consistent with their primary commitments to the university, and the performance of their professional responsibilities must be free from real or apparent bias motivated by self…


Policy Number:

Cornell University expects all members of the university community to follow prescribed procedures to determine the ownership of copyrights and manage copyrights owned by the university.

University Social Media Accounts

Policy Number:

Cornell authorizes the creation and use of university social media accounts, provided their use is professional, protects the reputation and brand of the university, and complies with Cornell policies and applicable laws and regulations.

Whistleblower Protection

Policy Number:

Cornell University prohibits any form of retaliation, intimidation, harassment, or adverse employment action against any trustee, officer, employee, former employee, independent contractor, agent, or volunteer of the university for disclosing or threatening to disclose any conduct that they have a…

Political Campaign Activity

Policy Number:

Cornell University supports freedom of thought and expression by members of its community. Cornell encourages faculty, staff, and students to be full participants in the civic process, including communicating with policymakers on issues of importance and contributing time and money to the…

Personal and Private Activity Using University Property and Facilities

Policy Number:

Cornell University uses its property and facilities, primarily, to further its mission of learning, discovery, and engagement. The university permits the use of its property and facilities for collaboration with industry or community, where such use is consistent with the university’s mission…

Research Data Retention

Policy Number:

Accurate and detailed records of research data are an essential component of any research project. This policy defines the shared responsibilities of Cornell University (including Weill Cornell Medicine) and Cornell researchers in collecting, retaining, securing, accessing, publishing, and sharing…

Export and Import Control Compliance

Policy Number:

This policy sets forth Cornell’s commitment to compliance with U.S. Export and Import Control Regulations, identifies responsibilities, and establishes the administrative foundation for University compliance.