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Associate Vice President and University Controller

Business Expenses

Policy Number:

Cornell University funds may be used for ordinary, reasonable, and actual business-related expenses incurred in furtherance of the university's missions.

External Organization Accounts

Policy Number:

Cornell acts as a fiscal agent of certain external funds for external organizations (EO) only in limited circumstances as described in this policy. Cornell will authorize EO accounts and act as a fiscal agent only when there is a clear and reasonable justification.  The EO must support Cornell…

Telephone Usage

Policy Number:

Policy 3.19 has been rescinded on June 22, 2023. Please refer to University Policy 5.1, Responsible Use of IT Resources.

Advances (Including Petty Cash and Accounts Receivable)

Policy Number:

Cornell University provides advances of cash or other resources in limited circumstances to meet the business needs of the institution. This policy establishes these circumstances and the procedures for making such advances. This policy does not apply to any advance payment required by a vendor…

Mobile Communication Devices

Policy Number:

The university will accommodate those full- and part-time employees with valid business needs for mobile communication devices by issuing university-owned mobile communication devices. A university device must be authorized by a dean or vice president, and must be purchased and serviced under the…

Financial Internal Controls

Policy Number:

Cornell University requires all operating units to develop their own unit-specific financial internal control plans using guidelines provided by the Office of the University Controller. Further, the university expects all members of the university community who are accountable for financial…