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Vice President and General Counsel

Retention of University Records

Policy Number:

Cornell University requires that university records, as defined herein,regardless of format, be disposed of or retained for specific periods of time in accordance with legal or other institutional requirements, or for historical value. The university has designated official repositories to manage…

Legal Defense and Indemnification

Policy Number:

Cornell University provides legal defense and indemnification to eligible individuals with respect to claims that arise from activity within the scope of university employment and/or in the performance of authorized duties. To qualify, an individual must also request such defense and/or…

Use of Cornell's Name, Logos, Trademarks, and Insignias

Policy Number:

Cornell University allows the use of its name, and its logos, trademarks, insignias, and other indicia (hereafter known as “marks”) only with permission, as set forth in the principles and procedures of this policy.

Forming a University-Related Subsidiary or Affiliate or Acquiring a Controlling Interest in a Separate Entity

Policy Number:

Cornell University will form a university-related subsidiary or affiliate, or acquire a controlling interest in a separate entity, only if there is compelling legal and/or business justification. Note: On occasion, the Office of University Investments or the Office of Trusts, Estates, and Gift…

Acceptance of Legal Papers

Policy Number:

Cornell University faculty members, staff members, and students who are contacted by any individual attempting to serve university-related legal papers should direct an individual attempting to serve such a notice to the Office of General Counsel.

Use of Escrowed Encryption Keys

Policy Number:

Cornell University expects stewards, custodians, and users of institutional administrative data who deploy software or algorithmic programs for encryption to establish procedures ensuring that the university has access to all such records and data.

Emergency Planning

Policy Number:

Cornell University organizes, coordinates, and directs available resources toward an effective response to, and recovery from, any emergency. The effectiveness of this effort is dependent on the development of periodic review of comprehensive plans. This policy includes a chain of command…