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Risk Management and Insurance

Use of Cornell Vehicles

Policy Number:

Cornell University vehicles are available under certain circumstances for use in support of the university's mission of education, research, and community service.

Alcohol and Other Drugs (for Students, Staff, Faculty, and Visitors)

Policy Number:

Cornell University will assist members of the university community in understanding the risks associated with consuming alcohol, and the need to prevent the harm that results from its misuse and abuse. The university permits the purchase and use of alcoholic beverages under certain conditions, but…

University Volunteers

Policy Number:

Cornell University depends upon university volunteer support to accomplish its missions of education, research, and public service and wishes to ensure that volunteers' relationships with the university are clearly established and understood by both parties. 

Responsible Use of Video Surveillance Systems

Policy Number:

Policy 8.1 has been removed from the University Policy Library; the requirements are still in place and are under revision.