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Readiness Checklist Option 2

This checklist serves as a prompt for key steps in the policy development process.

Please also refer to the relevant policy development and approval process.

To start planning a policy revision or creation:

Completed Item
I have ready Policy 4.1, Formulation and Issuance of
I have reviewed other relevant policies such as University Policy 4.7, Retention of University Records
I have reviewed the University Policy website guidance on Policy Development
I have received approval from responsible office to develop or revise a policy
I have received approval from the responsible executive to develop or revise a policy
I have completed a policy planning consultation with UPO
I have an attorney assigned from General Counsel
I have submitted a Policy change request to UPO
I have identified my key stakeholders to consult during the revision or development process
I have identified any absolute deadlines to meet legal requirements or business cycles and have communicated those to UPO
I have received guidance from the UPO on whether the development will be designated as new, interim, substantial, or non-substantial
I have received training from the UPO on the policy development process and expectations
I understand that the UPO can facilitate policy planning sessions for my team

Instructions for preparing and presenting the Impact Statement with EPRG:

Completed Item
I have requested an impact statement template and presentation deck materials from UPO
I have consulted my key stakeholders and internal team on the drafted impact statement
The responsible executive has reviewed and approved the impact statement draft and presentation materials
The director level of the responsible office will present the impact statement materials to the EPRG
I have scheduled an EPRG meeting date through the UPO to present the impact statement

Instructions to draft and present the draft policy to PAG:

Completed Item
I have requested the most up to date policy template and presentation deck materials from the UPO
I have a policy writer available who can incorporate the 8 core policy requirements
I have consulted my key stakeholders and internal team on the drafted policy
I have consulted with the UPO on policy draft feedback
My responsible executive has reviewed and approved the PAG policy draft and presentation materials
The director level of the responsible office will present the draft policy to the PAG
I have the scheduled a PAG meeting date through the UPO to present the draft policy

Instructions to review your final draft policy for EPRG:

Completed Item
I have refined the draft policy based on stakeholder, PAG, and UPO feedback
I have consulted with the UPO on any open questions related to the policy
My responsible executive has reviewed and approved the EPRG policy draft and presentation materials
The director level of the responsible office will present the final policy draft to the EPRG
I have scheduled an EPRG meeting date through the UPO to present the final policy draft

Instructions for publishing the policy:

Completed Item
I have refined the draft policy based on EPRG feedback
I have submitted the final policy to the UPO for final editing
I have a website identified to host unit-owned programs, procedures, and other information to support the policy
I have developed a Communication and training plan and coordinated any announcements or CULearn trainings accordingly
I have scheduled a specific launch date and timing through the UPO